You have reached your little corner of my little website! You can't see any of this yet so I can say what kind of pages/features I want to do. a playlist with songs we both like, a page for your birthday gifts & mine, a page for when you are feeling down which is just a bunch of little packets of my favorite memories of us, and some of the things i love about you and being friends with you, a MILLION clickable buttons and they're all just stupid memes because i am horrible, umm. plenty of doodles obviously. i think that's mostly what i want to implement. maybe some animated hanging stars or something but idk yet.
OH AND ALSO. some of the buttons will be things like the roadtrip slideshow, my tater tag, your ink tag, our ask tags, etc. and some of them will be little fun websites like the window one and bongo cat and stuff.
for easy access rn here's nice things and here's the birthday gift page